Monday, January 19, 2009

Slum dog Millionaire - A Terror attack on Indian BPO, Tourism and on our country India

This is what this movie shows :

Indian BPO :

  1. Even the person who supplies tea attends the calls in Indian contact centers.
  2. Indian Call center people lies all the time.
  3. In Indian call centers, anyone walking in to the floor can access the database, and get all the info about the clients (which includes home phone numbers, amount of money in each account etc)


Indian Tourism :

  1. The tourist guides you find in Indian historic places like Taj Mahal etc, knows nothing about the history and they tell lies and stores, which they build, to the visitors
  2. And, almost any one can become a tourist guide
  3. In India, even the kids cheat foreigners.
  4. If you park your car in a lonely place, the car would be dismantled and everything (except  the body) would be stolen with in minutes !!!
  5. The above vanishing act would be performed by kids
  6. You can’t leave even your footwear out side an Indian heritage place – it would be stolen.



  1. Indians are ready to kill even their own brother for a night with a girl.
  2. Indians are ready to do any crime for money and female
  3. Indian police are famous for chasseing  poor children kilometers
  4. You can kidnap a girl even in one of the busiest railway stations in India, even in day time.  No one will even ask anything.(Police are busy chasing children)
  5. Getting a loaded gun is an easy task for a teenager, by selling stuffs in trains (and know who is Samuel Clot)
  6. During communal conflicts, children are dressed up as Hindu Gods, and stands in the corner of streets.
  7. All Indian men, except the hero, are cruel, and they are mad for drug, money and women.
  8. Indian police can arrest (or rather Kidnap) anyone, anytime and troche them in all the possible ways, including electric shocks
  9. If any crime/abuse is happening for an Indian child, US People are the only hope !!(dialogs is something like “oh!! My son…let me show the real face of America” and give few dollars to the abused child)


India :

  1. US dollar is the currency more widely used in India.  Even a blind boy can recognize it by just touching it once.
  2. Indian class rooms are a big mess, and teachers are monsters !!
  3. India is a cricket crazy country.  If any one disturbs them while watching cricket, they go ballistic.
  4. Though Indians are mad about cricket, they don know nothing about “First Class Cricket”
  5. Indian super stars are villains in real life.
  6. Indian super starts cheats in real life.
  7. Poor people are abused, even if prove their capabilities in a Reality show.
  8. Indians are ready to be covered from head to toe in human Sh*t, just for an autograph from a Super star.
  9. Indians watch TV shows by sitting in road side.
  10. People traveling on the top of train is a usual scene in this country
  11. Indian talks in term of “Millions”, & “Billions” – not in term of Lakhs and Crores
  12. Well, how is Mahatma Gandhi ?  Indians know only  Benjamin Franklin, Athos, Porthos, and Aramis


This movie should be treated as a terror attack towards India, since it will have major impact on Indian tourism, Indian BPO business and image of India.  Do not watch this movie, since it will only give more finical benefit to the people who done this crime.


When “The Passion of the Christ”, was released, we saw a massive protest all over the country.  When a carton was published in Denmark, we saw similar protest in this country.  MF Hussein painting created anger waves.  But, when a crime like this happens, I don’t see anyone moving a single finger !!!


Do not watch this movie.  If you are thinking of A R Rahamn’s music, believe me, he has created better music before.